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Condition bits (Agent bad)

I have a question regarding condition bits “Agent bad” from an analog Agent “This tag is also being logged”
The rawValue was out of range for a while and every logged value also got a data integrity flag 6 (BAD) which is good.
But now the rawValue is back within its limits but the condition bits “Agent bad” remains high and because of this the logged values still get the data integrity flag 6.
I would expect that when the rawValue is back within its limits, the “Agent Bad” status will automatically change to low, but it doesn’t.
Am I missing something…

If the rawValue is out of range (defined by the Device Span - min and max) the Agent Status should not change to “Bad”. The only header slot that should indicate a problem is the “OutOfRange” slot:


The reason for the “Agent Bad” status is possibly related to another event / action that occurred on the same Analog (i.e. a scan event from a driver for example).

I found this information in the help file.


This was also the case. The RawValue was out of range.
After the RawValue has been out of range, this status remains active (Agent Bad).
The only way to get rid of this state was to remove the Scan and then the Analog.
Then created the analog again and added the scan again.