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Tracking down Read Elements failure

Running a graphics form results in the following in the eventlog window:-

Bulk Read failed: Service Request: Read A Collection Of Data Elements Successful (Adroit datasource)

Is there anyway of getting a bit more detail on this message? It is not easy to find the offending bit of the form (I suspect maybe a behaviour looking for a non-existing agent name or slot…)

I’ve looked in WIndows application log and there doesn’t appear to be any more detail there either…


Mark G

Hi Mark,

If there is a read data element failure it should come up with a Bad Status Indicator on the effected graphic form as below. You can click the Bad Status Indicator to get more information on which data element (adroit tag) is the culprit.


You can also use Show All Information right click option in the Operator to track down the culprit as well. This will add Info Indicators where data elements are used to drive control or vectors properties. You can click on the Info Indicators to get more information on which data elements (adroit tags) are driving which controls or vectors properties.



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Hi Diego

I have no Bad Status indication (that I can see anyway) on the GF - hence the question😜. Is there any other way to track down what it is getting upset about.

(I tried the ‘Show All Information’ trick as we’ll, and this all appears to be OK, I think).

The good news is that nobody has reported anything not working on the screen, but I notice that I get this message every time a try & ‘RUN’ in Designer - also the form is a bit slower to load whilst it tries (& fails) at whatever is failing…

Any other Tips & Tricks gratefully received…

The graphic form below can also be used to validate your project / graphic forms.

  1. Click on Validate
  2. Select a graphic form
  3. Data Elements (for example Adroit tags) that failed during the Read request will be listed in the TextBox.

The validate graphic form can be downloaded here: ValidateDataElements.viz (21.1 KB)

Example usage:

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